Product Description
What is God's blueprint for marriage and sexuality? How have we drifted from that design, and how are we as Christians to respond to the shift in our culture and in the church? At the 2021 Pensacola Theological Institute, Jon Payne and Richard Phillips examined both the “Revoice” controversy within the denomination of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) and the broader issue of sexual identity and purity within the church. It is our desire that lay Christians may understand what is happening and be equipped to speak with “one voice” to our culture.
One Voice: The Word of God, the Love of Christ, and Human Sexuality includes 6 messages:
- "A Divine Blueprint: God's Design for Marriage and Sexuality" by Jon Payne
- "The Sexual Revolution: Understanding Our Cultural Moment" by Jon Payne
- "What's Concupiscence Got to Do with It?" by Richard Phillips
- "Revoice and the Unholy Advent of Celibate Gay Christianity" by Jon Payne
- "Three Important Words: Porneia, Arsenokoitais, Epithumeo" by Richard Phillips
- "Can Sinners Change? Revoice's Attack on the Gospel" by Richard Phillips
(6 mp3 downloads)
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Conference Pensacola Theological Institute 2021