

  • Making God's Word Plain Anthology (CD Set)

    Making God's Word Plain Anthology (CD Set)

    Donald Grey Barnhouse was — for half a century — one of the most widely acclaimed American preachers. Scholarly exposition and a popular approach marked his teaching as well as for Making God’s Word Plain. Listen and find out why an...
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  • Working Together for Good (mp3 Download Set)

    Working Together for Good (mp3 Download Set)

    All that comes to pass in our lives is part of the plan of our all-wise, all-powerful, and all-loving Father. When we understand this, we will not despair as though all is vain chance. We can be assured that everything works together for the...
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  • The Seven Churches (mp3 Download Set)

    The Seven Churches (mp3 Download Set)

    Proceeding verse by verse and section by section through Jesus’ letters to the seven churches, Dr. Barnhouse’s remarkable exposition and devotional insights are invaluable and timely. Taken from his more extensive study of the book of...
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  • The Sabbath (mp3 Download Set)

    The Sabbath (mp3 Download Set)

    The Bible shows that the early Christians met together on the first day of the week, but after Christ, the entire Mosaic system, including its Sabbath day, gave way to the reign of grace. We no longer observe the first day of the week; we celebrate it...
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  • This Man, This Woman (mp3 Download Set)

    This Man, This Woman (mp3 Download Set)

    This Man, This Woman One of the greatest problems of American culture, and even the church, is divorce. Everywhere we turn we see its effects. These messages from Romans 7 show that partners in a true Christian marriage are heirs together of the grace...
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  • Spiritual Gifts (mp3 Download Set)

    Spiritual Gifts (mp3 Download Set)

    Spiritual Gifts In addition to the initial gift of the indwelling Holy Spirit, spiritual gifts are given to each believer. God has bestowed a special gift on every believer, and these are given not for his own profit but for the benefit of other...
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