Product Description
We’ve all heard people say it: “The problem with Christians is that they think Jesus is the only way to heaven.” Even reason says: We go to the college of our choice, watch the cable channel of our choice, and eat the food of our choice. So why can’t we pray to the god of our choice and get to heaven by any means we choose?
These are fair questions. Questions that demand an answer if Christians are going to insist that their claims are true—and that all other religions’ claims about salvation are thereby false. They are questions Philip Ryken confronts head-on in this accessible book.
Within these pages, the four essential Christian beliefs that pluralists find most troublesome are explained in clear, everyday terms. Ryken argues not only that Jesus is the only way, but also why this must be true.
Table of Contents:
1. The Problem with Christians
2. Three Kinds of Pluralism
3. When Pluralism Comes to Church
4. Christianity for a Pluralistic Age
5. Why Jesus Is the Only Way