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  • Covenant Theology 101 (CD Set)

    Covenant Theology 101 (CD Set)

    What is the Lord promising through His covenants? To be known, and that we will be known by Him. Relationship with the infinite God is what covenant theology is all about. Through His covenants, God defines what He wants our relationship with Him to look...
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  • Covenant Theology 101 (mp3 Disc)

    Covenant Theology 101 (mp3 Disc)

    What is the Lord promising through His covenants? To be known, and that we will be known by Him. Relationship with the infinite God is what covenant theology is all about. Through His covenants, God defines what He wants our relationship with Him to look...
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  • Jonah  (mp3 download Set)

    Jonah  (mp3 download Set)

    We all run away from God at some time, but He will never let us get away! Because He loves us, God goes to extremes to turn us around and get us back on the right path. No one knew this better than Jonah. Jonah’s story teaches us that God's plans...
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  • Our Doctrine of Scripture (mp3 Disc)

    Our Doctrine of Scripture (mp3 Disc)

    The psalmist says the blessed are like trees planted by streams of living water, and this water that nourishes is the Word of the Lord. When we get into the Word, the Word gets into us, filling our minds with truth and our hearts with love. How? Because...
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  • Our Doctrine of Scripture (CD Set)

    Our Doctrine of Scripture (CD Set)

    The psalmist says the blessed are like trees planted by streams of living water, and this water that nourishes is the Word of the Lord. When we get into the Word, the Word gets into us, filling our minds with truth and our hearts with love. How? Because...
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  • Zechariah (Phillips)(mp3 Disc Set)

    Zechariah (Phillips)(mp3 Disc Set)

    The Book of Zechariah records the prophetic message of Zechariah to the community that had returned to Jerusalem after the Babylonian exile and was charged with rebuilding the temple and city. The physical return was meant to prompt a...
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  • Turning Your World Upside Down (mp3 Disc)

    Turning Your World Upside Down (mp3 Disc)

    "These are the people who have turned the world upside down!" That was the complaint against the Christians by those who opposed them in Thessalonica as recorded in Acts 17:6. The only kind of Christians who make this impact on the world are those who...
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  • Spiritual Warfare (mp3 Disc)

    Spiritual Warfare (mp3 Disc)

    The Bible tells us that spiritual warfare is very real. Do you take spiritual warfare seriously? Are you equipped to face it or does it catch you off guard?  Christians need to be prepared to face the trials, temptations, doubts, and...
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  • Micah Anthology (mp3 Disc Set)

    Micah Anthology (mp3 Disc Set)

    Our Christian heritage in America is disappearing at a rapid rate. Things that once appalled us have now become commonplace. Even Christians have fallen prey! Are you grieved by the brokenness that is caused by sin? Or have you become numb to the...
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