

  • SALE
    Zechariah (Boice)(mp3 downloads)

    Zechariah (Boice)(mp3 downloads)

    ZechariahThe book of Zechariah is the fascinating account of a priest who had visions. Discover the lessons these visions teach and see how they relate to issues about religion today, such as what true religion is, what the significance of cleanliness...
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    Now: $5.00
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    The Essential Trinity (Paperback)

    The Essential Trinity (Paperback)

    The doctrine of the Trinity is foundational to Christian theology. A careful study of the whole counsel of God, rather than a selective reading of biblical texts, brings needed clarity. In a work geared especially toward leaders in the church, scholars...
    Was: $19.99
    Now: $5.00
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    Zeal for Godliness (Hardcover)

    Zeal for Godliness (Hardcover)

    Following Calvin's intent with the Institutes, this book displays the coherence, trustworthiness, and glory of biblical truth for all ages. These readings hope to awaken readers to the relevance of Calvin's theology, humble them by the depth of Calvin's...
    Was: $24.99
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  • The Fall (mp3 Disc)

    The Fall (mp3 Disc)

    Is the Fall a fact? Was it an historical event? It is often attacked by critics of the Bible -- and the reason is because they don't want to face the truths Genesis is teaching. But an historical Fall is an important part of the history of man - and...
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  • Effective Biblical Witnessing (mp3 Disc)

    Effective Biblical Witnessing (mp3 Disc)

    Effective Biblical Witnessing When we study the Bible consistently we grow in our understanding of who God is and learn to look at things from His viewpoint. And we need to see things the way God does in order to be effective witnesses for Him. This is...
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