

  • The Fall (mp3 Disc)

    The Fall (mp3 Disc)

    Is the Fall a fact? Was it an historical event? It is often attacked by critics of the Bible -- and the reason is because they don't want to face the truths Genesis is teaching. But an historical Fall is an important part of the history of man - and...
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    The Good Shepherd (mp3 Disc)

    The Good Shepherd (mp3 Disc)

    Why do sheep need a shepherd? Because they are incapable of living wisely without one. Sheep are prone to wander away from safety, are incapable of finding green pastures, and cannot ward off enemies. Scripture tells us that God is the shepherd of His...
    Was: $6.00
    Now: $5.00
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    Zechariah (Boice)(mp3 Disc)

    Zechariah (Boice)(mp3 Disc)

    ZechariahThe book of Zechariah is the fascinating account of a priest who had visions. Discover the lessons these visions teach and see how they relate to issues about religion today, such as what true religion is, what the significance of cleanliness...
    Was: $10.00
    Now: $5.00
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    Working Together for Good (mp3 Disc)

    Working Together for Good (mp3 Disc)

    All that comes to pass in our lives is part of the plan of our all-wise, all-powerful, and all-loving Father. When we understand this, we will not despair as though all is vain chance. We can be assured that everything works together for the...
    Was: $6.00
    Now: $5.00
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    The Kingdom of God (mp3 Disc)

    The Kingdom of God (mp3 Disc)

    The Kingdom of God includes 12 messages from Romans 14:15-17: Christian Liberty What is This Kingdom Kingdoms of This World The Spiritual Kingdom Parables -- Secrets Revealed, Part 1 Parables -- Secrets Revealed, Part 2 Parables -- Secrets...
    Was: $12.00
    Now: $6.00
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    Benefits of Justification (mp3 Disc)

    Benefits of Justification (mp3 Disc)

    Dr. Barnhouse explains that the purpose and audience for the epistle to the Romans takes a turn from chapter 5 and following. Here, the believer is addressed directly, that he or she would understand the nature of salvation and the hope that is...
    Was: $8.00
    Now: $5.00
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