Product Description
Our Glorious Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ
“...and we have seen His glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father....” John 1:14
Who is Jesus? The pages of Scripture shout the answer. Son of Man and Son of God. The Way, the Truth, and the Life. Prophet, Priest, and King. The Bread of Life. The Good Shepherd. King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Redeemer. Savior.
And yet we live in a world that prefers to see Jesus as a gifted teacher, or as a revolutionary, and nothing more. Jesus has been marginalized, stereotyped, and often ignored, to the eternal peril of millions upon millions. Again, who is Jesus? What has He done for His people? Is He just, as H.G. Wells once said, “the most dominant figure in all history”? Or is He, as the Reformers taught, the Jesus of solus Christus, the one-and-only means by which sinners are saved, the One who claimed, “no one comes to the Father except through me”?
The 8 messages in Our Glorious Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, include:
• ”The Glory of the Son” by D.A. Carson
• “The Incarnate Word” by Joel Beeke
• “The Life and Ministry of Jesus” by Iain Duguid
• “The Cross of Christ” by Joel Beeke
• “Jesus: Made in America” by Stephen Nichols
• “Christ Foretold: Jesus in the Old Testament” by Iain Duguid
• “Puritan Study: John Flavell” by Cliff Boone
• “Our Risen Savior” by D.A. Carson
(8 mp3 files on 1 CD)