Product Description
The Gospel of John moves beyond its synoptic brethren (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) and their focus on Jesus' Galilean ministry to provide perspective on what the Lord said and did in Jerusalem. John's Gospel keys on who Jesus is, that readers might believe He is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name (John 20:31). In his inimitable way, Pastor Eric Alexander covers the main themes of John and includes bonus material on John 3, describing what it means to have new life in Christ.
Eric Alexander was an ordained minister in the Church in Scotland for over 50 years, spending many of those years as senior pastor in the historic St. George’s-Tron Church in the center of Glasgow. He was a regular speaker at the Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology, the Keswick Convention, and was the Bible expositor at the Urbana Conference of Intervarsity Fellowship. Known for his Christ-centered, spirit-filled preaching, Eric is considered by many to be one of the finest expositors of the 20th century.
(35 mp3 message downloads)