Product Description
God created our world and is sovereign over it. If that is true then why is this world so full of evil? Joel and his people experienced suffering — the prophet provides an honest account of it. But what can we really learn from disaster? How can suffering teach us? From Joel’s prophecy we learn why hardship should draw us to repentance, what questions we should ask when disaster strikes, why God allows so much evil in the world, and much more. Joel’s prophecy speaks to us today and also demands a response from us.
(5 messages on 3 CDs)
James Boice’s Bible teaching continues on The Bible Study Hour broadcast, preparing you to think and act biblically. Dr. Boice was regarded as a leading evangelical statesman in the United States and around the world as he served as president of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. His fifty-plus books include an award-winning, four-volume series on Romans. The Bible Study Hour is always available at