
The Bible Study Hour

  • The Miracles (mp3 Disc)

    The Miracles (mp3 Disc)

    Miracles! Do they really happen? What is the point of miracles? And do we know if they are really true? In the fifth chapter of John, Jesus points to His miracles as one reason why men and women should believe in Him. But how do Christ’s works bear...
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  • The Invisible War (mp3 Disc)

    The Invisible War (mp3 Disc)

    Many people look at Christianity as an exit from the battle — a philosophy that looks at Christian faith as a solution to all problems. But the Christian life is warfare and battle (struggle) characterizes the Christian life to the very end...
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  • The Flood Account (mp3 Disc)

    The Flood Account (mp3 Disc)

    There is no section of the Bible more devastating when it comes to the teaching of the depravity of man than the verses that account for the flood in the book of Genesis. This study starts with God telling us the depth of His grief because of the evil in...
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  • The Fall (mp3 Disc)

    The Fall (mp3 Disc)

    Is the Fall a fact? Was it an historical event? It is often attacked by critics of the Bible -- and the reason is because they don't want to face the truths Genesis is teaching. But an historical Fall is an important part of the history of man - and...
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  • Thanks Be to God (mp3 Disc)

    Thanks Be to God (mp3 Disc)

    Thanks be To GodThe Thanksgiving holiday is a time that reminds us about the true importance of offering thanks to God. The Psalmists, however, teach us that we are to be continually giving both praise and thanksgiving to our Lord. In all the things of...
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  • The Reign of Grace (mp3 Disc)

    The Reign of Grace (mp3 Disc)

    The Reign of Grace We know that we’re saved by grace — we pay lip service to the idea virtually every week. But do we really understand the full extent of grace as the absolute cornerstone — the “fountain and the...
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  • The Path to Power (mp3 Disc)

    The Path to Power (mp3 Disc)

    Joseph had been abandoned by people his entire life. His brothers betrayed him, Potiphar and his wife mistreated him, and he'd suffered the pain of rejection for years. Joseph could have been bitter. He could have plotted revenge against them with some...
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