
Mark Johnston

  • This World is Not My Home (Paperback)

    This World is Not My Home (Paperback)

    This is a pastoral, thoughtful, encouraging, challenging and, above all, radically God-centered book. The thirty brief but compelling chapters remind us that this world is not our home, that our destiny is ‘a city that has foundations whose...
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  • Let's Study 2 Peter and Jude (Paperback)

    Let's Study 2 Peter and Jude (Paperback)

    The letters of 2 Peter and Jude share several common themes and were designed to strengthen the faith of Christians who were being unsettled by false prophets and teachers within the apostolic churches. Both Peter and Jude show that the problem of false...
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  • Let's Study John (Paperback)

    Let's Study John (Paperback)

    Mark Johnston guides us through John’s account of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. John takes us by the hand and leads us into the depths and mysteries of Christ’s Person and wonders He has accomplished – so that the reader should come to...
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  • Let's Study Colossians and Philemon (Paperback)

    Let's Study Colossians and Philemon (Paperback)

    Book Description All too often Christians and churches are shaped by the latest ideas about Christianity instead of the timeless truths of the Bible which form its true foundation. Although what has become known as the ‘Colossian problem’...
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