Product Description
Eschatology, the doctrine of last things, is a topic that is sometimes difficult for us to understand and one that causes much division. But the areas which may divide us are less great than the great themes on which we are united. The most important theme of this series is that in Christian theology, there really are “last things,” which means that there really is a culmination of the historical process. History is going someplace, and what we do with the time we have as individuals is meaningful.
Messages include:
- Where Is History Going? by James Boice
- Pre-mil, Post-mil, A-mil by Roger Nicole
- Does Israel Have an Earthly Future? by Moishe Rosen
- On Death and Dying by James Boice
- The Resurrection of the Body by William Barker
- The Final Judgement by Roger Nicole
- Living in the Last Days by William Barker
(7 mp3 Downloads)
Product Videos
Conference Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology 1986