Product Description
Have you ever wondered what influences have shaped the preachers, teachers and authors you respect? You Must Read brings together more than thirty well-known Christian leaders and gives them the opportunity to talk about a book that has made a lasting impact on their lives. Their personal narratives and recommendations of the literature that has moulded and matured them combine to produce a book full of interest from start to finish, but also one that can be ‘dipped into’ for occasional reading. Best of all, You Must Read will be an indispensable guide to some of the truly great books that have transformed, encouraged, instructed and challenged countless Christians’ lives. You Must Read is a ‘must read’ in itself, and a marvelous stimulus to read more.
You Must Read is an ambiguous title. As Christians ‘we are what we read’. God’s word is the instrument by which the Holy Spirit renews our minds and transforms our lives. The same is true, to a lesser extent, of Christian literature. The biographies of Christians whose lives have left a permanent mark on the church often disclose the influence of a particular book, or books, they themselves have read. So, You Must Read is a perennial maxim. You really must read!
But we also use these words when we are enthusiastic about a good book. We instinctively ask our friends, ‘Have you read …?’ And if the answer is ‘no’ we tend to say ‘Oh, you must read …’
But where do you begin? There are so many books from which to choose. Many of us want to ask, ‘Can somebody please tell me what books I should read?’ You Must Read provides some answers from the pens of a number of well-known Christian leaders, including Joel R. Beeke, Alistair Begg, Jerry Bridges, Mark Dever, J. Ligon Duncan, R. Albert Mohler, Jr., John MacArthur, Stuart Olyott, R. C. Sproul , Derek W. H. Thomas, Geoffrey Thomas, and many others.
Clothbound, 304 pages
Publication Date: 2015
1 The Forgotten Spurgeon by Iain H Murray
R Albert Mohler, Jr
2 The Works of John Bunyan
Faith Cook
3 Today’s Gospel: Authentic or Synthetic? by Walter J Chantry
Thomas E Richwine
4 The Reformed Pastor by Richard Baxter
Edward Donnelly
5 What Is an Evangelical? by D Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Alistair Begg
6 The Valley of Vision by Arthur Bennett
Mark G Johnston
7 Jonathan Edwards: A New Biography by Iain H Murray
Sharon James
8 The Calvinistic Methodist Fathers of Wales by John Morgan Jones and William Morgan
Geoffrey Thomas
9 Expository Thoughts on the Gospels by J C Ryle
Derek W H Thomas
10 The Two-Volume Autobiography of C H Spurgeon
Jonathan Watson
11 Exposition of the Epistle to the Romans by Robert Haldane
Maurice Roberts
12 Historical Theology by William Cunningham
Keith Underhill
13 The Great Christian Doctrine of Original Sin Defended by Jonathan Edwards
RC Sproul
14 Evangelical Eloquence by R L Dabney
Hywel Jones
15 Tracts and Letters of John Calvin
Ian Hamilton
16 The Work of the Holy Spirit by Octavius Winslow
Iain D Campbell
17 The Apostles’ Doctrine of the Atonement by George Smeaton
Jerry Bridges
18 A Body of Divinity by Thomas Watson
Walter J Chantry
19 Diary of Kenneth A MacRae
John J Murray
20 Christian Leaders of the Eighteenth Century by J C Ryle
Peter Barnes
21 The Works of Richard Sibbes
Mark Dever
22 The Diary and Life of Andrew Bonar
Andrew Swanson
23 Revival Year Sermons (1859) by C H Spurgeon
Stuart Olyott
24 Human Nature in Its Fourfold State by Thomas Boston
Cor L Onderdelinden
25 Letters of Samuel Rutherford
Joel R Beeke
26 Thoughts on Religious Experience by Archibald Alexander
Pieter de Vries
27 Redemption Accomplished and Applied by John Murray
Albert N Martin
28 Precious Remedies Against Satan’s Devices by Thomas Brooks
J Ligon Duncan
29 D Martyn Lloyd-Jones: Volume 1: The First Forty Years; Volume 2: The Fight of Faith by Iain H Murray
John MacArthur
30 The Life and Letters of Benjamin Morgan Palmer by Thomas Cary Johnson
John R de Witt
31 The Glory of Christ by John Owen
Sinclair B Ferguson
32 The Forgotten Spurgeon by Iain H Murray
Ian S Barter
Epilogue: The Books from Three Perspectives
(1) A View from Latin America
William Barkley
(2) A View from the Philippines
Brian Ellis
(3) A View from the Grey House, Edinburgh
John Rawlinson
List of Contributors