Product Description
“All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away.” John 6:37
This verse swings the broad gates of heaven wide open and promises that Jesus will receive all who come to the Father by Him. If you remember nothing else, remember this: John 6:37 means that the gospel is for you if you will hear it and come to Christ. It is for you personally. And furthermore, God never begins a thing which He does not intend to finish and therefore, no one whom He has called to faith in Jesus Christ as Savior will ever be lost. In this booklet, Dr. James Montgomery Boice says that it is important that we understand this great truth, for, one way or another, our knowledge of it (or lack of knowledge of it) will affect our lives. If we do understand it we will have a plank upon which we can stand, a foundation which is sure and upon which we can build.
Pages: 20
Publication Date: Revised January 2025
Author: James Montgomery Boice
Topic: Secure in Christ
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