Product Description
Revelation Volume 2
Just as Revelation unveils the details of the end times, so Dr. Barnhouse’s study of this very difficult book reveal the somewhat misunderstood content to the one who carefully studies its pages. Proceeding verse by verse and section by section through Revelation, Dr. Barnhouse shares remarkable intellectual and devotional insights that are clearly refreshing because they are his own. His timely applications and valuable exposition make the blessing promised in the early verse of Revelation a reality for that one who studies this prophetic book.
The 8 messages of Revelation: Volume 2 cover Revelation 3:7-6:8
(8 mp3 downloads)
Donald Grey Barnhouse, one of the twentieth century’s outstanding American preachers, saw the need to spread God’s Word to a vast audience; he went on to start a radio broadcast which has become known as Dr. Barnhouse & the Bible. Dr. Barnhouse is best known for his many colorful illustrations of living the Christian life. His books include Teaching the Word of Truth, Life by the Son, God’s Methods for Holy Living, and more.