Product Description
The Epistle to the Romans is both a highly personal letter and an authoritative theological treatise inspired by the Holy Spirit and penned by the Apostle Paul. Sinclair Ferguson meditates on the grace and tenderness of God and painstakingly unravels the
most complex passages. Sinclair is a reliable and experienced voice guiding Christians to the very heights of New Testament theology.
Paperback, 456 pages
Publication date: April 2025
The Let’s Study New Testament series is designed for the layperson to be Accessible, Practical, and Flexible
- Accessible: Each volume mines the Scriptures to get to the root of the text, but is written in an approachable and friendly tone.
- Practical: The warm, pastoral explanation of the text is coupled with concise, practical, helpful application.
- Flexible: Each volume includes a Group Study Guide in the back of the book to help facilitate discussion—an excellent tool for leading family worship or small groups for the lay leader.
Sinclair Ferguson is Chancellor’s Professor of Systematic Theology at Reformed Theological Seminary and a Teaching Fellow of Ligonier Ministries. Sinclair has published many books for the Trust and is the series editor for the Let’s Study . . . series.