Product Description
The life of Hugh Latimer (c. 1485-1555) spanned the most critical years of the great revival of biblical Christianity known as the Reformation. Within a year of his conversion in 1524, he became a popular preacher and reformer. He soon fell foul of church authorities who despised his simple gospel message and his condemnation of the church's false doctrines.
Paperback, 128 pages
Publication Date: 2013
A wonderful, concise introduction to the life of one of England's leading Reformers. Hannula does a masterful job of capturing the religious and political intensity of sixteenth-century England as well as the fervent piety and deep conviction of her foremost preacher of the Reformation, Hugh Latimer. --Derek Halvorson, President, Covenant College, Lookout Mountain, Georgia
It is doubtful if England had heard the likes of Latimer's preaching for centuries: it was bold, uncompromising, full of searching application, and always Christ-focused. Hannula beautifully captures Latimer's gospel spirit and made me, for one, desire to be a better preacher for my Saviour and his cause. This is a biography for all the family and a great addition to the series. --Ian Hamilton, Pastor of Cambridge Presbyterian Church, Cambridge, England; Author of Let's Study the Letters of John, Banner of Truth
Richard Hannula lives in Tacoma, Washington, USA, where he serves as the principal of Covenant High School and is an elder in a Presbyterian Church of America congregation.